The Proper Way to Address Wedding Invitations

Addressing wedding invitations properly is crucial as it conveys respect and clarity to your guests about who is invited. The way you address the invitation can vary based on family structure, whether children are included, and the marital status of your guests. Here's a guide to help you navigate these nuances:

Married Couples

Use "Mr. and Mrs." followed by the husband's full name: "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith."

If the wife has kept her maiden name or uses a different last name, list both full names: "Mr. John Smith and Mrs. Jane Doe."

Unmarried Couples Living Together

List both guests by their full names on the same line, alphabetically by last name: "Ms. Jane Doe and Mr. John Smith."

Single Guests with a Plus One

Address the invited guest by name and add "and Guest": "Ms. Jane Doe and Guest."

If you know the name of the guest's plus-one, include it: "Ms. Jane Doe and Mr. John Smith."

Families with Children

On the outer envelope, address the parents: "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith."

On the inner envelope, include the parents' names followed by the children's first names: "Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Sarah, and Michael."

For children over 18 living at home, send a separate invitation addressed directly to them.

Single Guests

Address them by their full name: "Ms. Jane Doe" or "Mr. John Smith."

Divorced Women

This one can get sticky. Tradition says to use her first name, maiden name, and married last name, or just her first and married last name depending on her preference: "Mrs. Jane Wilson Doe" or "Mrs. Jane Doe."

However, if you know the woman has reverted to her maiden name after divorcing, address it using Ms. and her maiden name: “Ms. Jane Wilson”


Traditionally, a widow is addressed using her late husband's first and last names: "Mrs. John Smith." However, it's increasingly acceptable to use her first name: "Mrs. Jane Smith."

Same-Sex Couples

Address them in the same way as any couple, either alphabetically by last name or the same line if they share a last name: "Mr. John Smith and Mr. David Johnson" or "Mssrs. John and David Smith."

Professional Titles

For those with titles, use the title: "Dr. Jane Doe and Mr. John Smith" or "The Honorable Jane Doe and Mr. John Smith." These should be listed in alphabetical order by last name.

Dual Professional Titles

When addressing a wedding invitation to a couple where both individuals are doctors, there are a couple of respectful and proper ways to do so, depending on their shared or different last names and their personal preferences. Here are the common formats:

If They Share the Same Last Name:

The Doctors Smith


Drs. John and Jane Smith


Dr. John and Dr. Jane Smith

This format is inclusive and honors the professional titles of both individuals.

If They Have Different Last Names:

Dr. Jane Doe and Dr. John Smith

In this case, each person's title and last name are listed separately.

Remember, the most important aspect is to show respect and consideration for your guests’ identities and preferences. When in doubt, it’s perfectly fine to ask them how they would prefer to be addressed.